Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of travelling to a number of different places around the world.

  • Near and far.

  • Peaceful and in conflict.

  • Cities and countryside.

  • Alone and with groups.

  • Mountains and the Netherlands. (OK - that’s where I live - but you get the idea!)

Often I plan things well in advance but other times less so…

On some of the trips I now go on, it’s possible for others to join me. These can range from research trips, photography trips, retreats and the like.

If you’d like to know what’s coming up next in terms of trips that you could possibly join me on, just send me your email in the place below.

some important notes…

The trips that I will email you about, will be ones that I am going on anyway and that there are possibilities to join me on. On some I’ll organise most of the in-country transport, logistics and places to stay for ease of planning (e.g. in Iraq) whilst on others it will be trip dependant (mountain photography, retreat in a monastery etc). Sometimes there will be a maximum of 8 spaces but more often 4.

  • I’ll expect you to organise your own travel to / from the meeting-up point of the trip (flights, train, driving etc) and, in all cases, medical and travel insurance.

  • On any trip where you join me, you will take responsibility for your own safety and recognize that some destinations I go to may have “travel advisory” listings - so it’s your choice whether you want to join me or not. You will be responsible for getting your own visa (where applicable) and for ensuring you know how and where to avail of diplomatic assistance if necessary (e.g. lost or stolen passport etc).

  • In most cases, I will charge a fee per person for the organisational work that I will be doing and will let you know how much this is when you express interest in a specific trip and by what date I will ask to be paid. This will of course be in addition to the actual trip costs (food, accommodation, transport etc) that we will all share together.

  • Once I know who is expressing interest in a certain trip, I will have one or two Zoom calls with everyone before I leave.

If all this sounds good, just send me your email address below and you’ll hear from me when the next possibility arises (not many - often just a couple in a year so I won’t be spamming you!)

Send me your details here

Hi, I'm Des Clark. Thanks for your interest

I’m Irish, live in the Netherlands and have a small mountain cabin in the Italian mountains where I spend some "me" time...

Over the years, I've had the privilege to live in, work in and travel to many different countries - some of them not on a typical travel itinerary...

When I was younger (& fitter!) I ran a mountaineering company guiding trips in the South American Andes, European Alps, Moroccan Atlas and beyond. Whilst my days spent on the mountains were, at that time, primarily in guiding clients, I had many opportunities for taking photographs. Indeed, whilst in Morocco, I wrote a guidebook to winter ascents of the highest peaks where I took many photos of the routes and surrounding scenery.

After 16 years guiding in the mountains, I transitioned to working for humanitarian NGOs in conflict settings such as Sudan, Iraq and Afghanistan. Even though I wasn’t there to take photos, it was good to have my camera with me so that I could record some pivotal points along the historic journey of these countries, particularly Mosul in Iraq.

My time is now spent consulting as well as taking time in photographing mountain landscapes and high places. I also visit northern Iraq as well as other fragile countries where I enjoy meeting amazing people as well as taking some street portraits.

You can find more about me at DesClark.photos and TreesnRoots.com